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Deskbuddy Portal

In the Deskbuddy portal, you can configure various settings such as calendars, display, speaker, among others.

Calendar Settings

It is also possible to edit and delete the different calendars.

Edit Calendar

To edit, click on the pencil icon located in the same row as the calendar you wish to edit. Edit Calendar

Delete Calendar

To delete, click on the trash can icon located in the same row as the calendar you wish to delete. Delete Calendar

Display Settings

The Deskbuddy allows you to configure the Display. To do this, click on the Display option in the portal. There, you can modify various properties of the Deskbuddy, such as brightness, whether to use a 24-hour clock format, adding a logo on the Deskbuddy screen, among others. Portal Display

Speaker Settings

The Deskbuddy allows you to configure the speaker. To do this, click on the Speaker option in the portal. There, you can adjust the volume, enable or disable tones, select tones, and upload custom tones. Portal Speaker

Advanced Settings

The Deskbuddy allows you to configure advanced settings. To do this, click on the Advanced option in the portal. There, you can modify the Deskbuddy's time zone, restart the Deskbuddy, reset the WiFi, or restore the Deskbuddy to factory settings. Advanced Settings